Adapted Gym is a class specifically designed for children with atypical motor development and/or neurological involvement. Designed by a Physical Therapist to include therapeutic components, the class provides opportunity to join others with similar abilities. The skills learned can be transferred to other sports settings. This is a flexible class that allows parents to participate as an aid or have their child participate on their own to build self-esteem, self-advocacy skills and independence. Contact us at for a tailored class to meet the needs of specific participants.
Additional Classes
At a Glance
September 6, 2022 to September 27, 2022At a Glance
September 6, 2022 to September 27, 2022Additional Classes
Additional Classes
Research shows that kids learn best through play. Physical activity is way for kids to discover their limits and abilities. Our MiniGym classes provide a safe environment for children to develop physical skills at their own pace while having fun. In a MiniGym class, parents can participate and see firsthand how a child conquers challenges and achieves new skills. Each week, classes include a variety of exercises that promote sensory gymnastics skills, fundamental movement, like moving to music, and learning to focus.